The most sensitive phase for attaining learning skills is the years between 11 and 18 and children are mostly in the upper primary, secondary and higher secondary level of education at these ages. ICT potentially offer a powerful dimension to transform the way the young generation prepares for further learning. The main role of ICT is to act as a catalyst for the learner’s interest to get acquainted with the unknown. The use of computers is very important in realization of creative potential of student. ICT do not merely enhance intellect, it designate new dimensions of the human mind, produce an orderly system of a new global culture and open up vast and exciting perspectives of the use in improving quality of education.

ICT Policy in School Education aims at preparing youth to participate creatively in the establishment, sustenance and growth of a knowledge society leading to all round socioeconomic development of the nation and global competitiveness.

Mission of the ICT scheme is to devise, catalyze, support and sustain ICT and ICT enabled activities and processes in order to improve access, quality and efficiency in the school system.

            Out of 348 schools approved since financial year 2005-06 till financial year 2017-18 for implementation of ICT in schools, the State has covered all the 348 schools. In addition to this, 4 smart schools are also covered as per approval of the MHRD. Again, after the erstwhile schemes of SSA, RMSA and TE have been integrated under the Samagra Shiksha scheme since financial year 2018-19, 23 Elementary schools and 9 Secondary Schools are also covered recently under ICT in schools.

            The PAB 2020-21 has approved 40 Elementary Schools and 23 Secondary Schools which will be implemented soon.